Is now the time to choose for you?

How much are you living your life trying to please others, taking care of someone else's needs and trying to balance out situations in order to avoid conflict?

and how much are you being made wrong for what you choose and who you be?

Is now the time... to stop doubting yourself? to stop hesitating with your choices? to finally look at what would truly work for YOU? - the TRUE YOU! The YOU that you have hidden for such a long time, that was almost forgotten.

Join me on a journey to who you are and what you are truly here for. An exciting journey of change and creation based on YOU, your choices and what you truly know!

You cannot make a mistake, you can only choose again - without regret, without any doubt, with the knowing of who you are and what you desire your life to be like.

Time & Date:

June  8 , 9
4 pm CET
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